why VOLUNTEER with we are ill?

Volunteers in action

We Are ILL is the organization it is because of its community. WAI provides a space for Black women living with MS to learn, to thrive, and, most importantly, to be.

To continue expanding WAI’s multi-channel and digital community strategy, facilitate support and spread MS awareness, we need your help! Volunteering with WAI allows you to take an active role in your MS journey, channel your energy into a meaningful cause, be a voice for change, provide a sense of purpose in our fight to eradicate MS, build self-confidence and connections, and more!

Social media volunteer Charmas documenting Wellness Week(end) 2022

Ambassador Amber tabling at the Atlanta Neuroscience Foundation’s World Neuroscience Day

Our volunteers have played vital roles in many of our services and resources that you have seen or experienced firsthand! Like our Black MS Specialist Directory, the content written by our talented Ambassadors, or a welcoming face during our Wellness Week(end) registration process.

We are looking to expand our volunteer program to assist in all aspects of our mission. If you want to deepen your involvement with We Are ILL, amazing! Complete the form below and we’ll get back with you. Thanks for your interest in helping support our community!